Tuesday, November 20, 2012


How Far Along: 16 weeks, 1 day
Size of Baby: The baby is the size of an avocado! Yum :)
Continuing Symptoms: My symptoms seem to have all disappeared, which is wonderful! No nausea. I have a little lower back pain, but I think that's mainly due to the fact that I sit at a desk all day.
New Symptoms This Week: Nothing to report. Yay!
Sleep: I've been waking up more often to use to the restroom in the middle of the night, but have no problem getting right back to sleep. Thank goodness for that. I love my sleep.
 Cravings/Aversions: I have always been a sweets person. I like sour candies, and butter pecan ice cream especially. I also have a thing for beef jerky right now. Weird, I know.
Movement: Nothing concrete yet. I'm so used to feeling weird movements in my belly from my Crohn's, so I don't know if this is Crohn's or baby!!! I can't wait for a real kick, and neither can Jeremy.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!! I knew it all along. I guess there is something to be said for mother's intuition!
Maternity Clothes: I need maternity pants, but I am still getting along with just a larger shirt. I'm only 5'3", so the baby really has nowhere to grow but OUT!
What I Miss: Nothing, really!
Special Pregnancy Moments: Seeing the smile on Jeremy's face when the ultrasound clearly showed that it was a BOY. We would have been happy with a girl, but I knew Jeremy really, really wanted a boy. He could not stop smiling. It was adorable.
What We Are Looking Forward To: I'm looking forward to the first real kick. Come'on, baby, give me some kicks!


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