Monday, November 12, 2012


I can't believe I forgot to do week 14! It was such a busy week, though. My company moved to a new office, and I was at work every morning early, and totally exhausted. I promise I won't miss anymore weeks! :)

How Far Along: 15 weeks, 0 days
Size of Baby: The baby is the size of a navel orange. The idea that the baby is the size of a navel orange makes me miss home. My parent's house has 3 navel orange trees, and I remember summers of delicious, juicy oranges in the dry, hot heat. Oranges just don't taste the same in Chicago. But I'm sure this will be one sweet navel orange :)
Continuing Symptoms: My symptoms seem to have all disappeared, which is wonderful! Every once in a while, I'll get a little nausea if I forget to eat, but that's not often.
New Symptoms This Week: I've had some lower back pain lately. I hope that goes away soon, even though I have a feeling it won't.
Sleep: My sleeping habits have seem to have gone back to normal. I no longer fall asleep at 8pm! I got to bed like a normal person nowadays.
Cravings/Aversions: Nothing, really. Strange, I know. I just eat what I want, and I don't seem to crave anything particular.
Movement: I thought I felt a little bit of a flutter the other night, but I can't be sure. Should be soon, though!
Gender: I'm still very convinced it's a boy. We'll find out on November 18th, at our early 16 week scan! :)
Maternity Clothes: I am starting to get a little bump! I've only gained 3 pounds in 15 weeks, but a lady at the grocery store congratulated me on my coming baby. That was fun.
What I Miss: Nothing, really!
Special Pregnancy Moments: Having a stranger actually realize that I'm pregnant, not just fat!
What We Are Looking Forward To: In 6 days, we'll know if this little thing is a boy or a girl. Man, is your Grandma Susan getting anxious! She wants to start shopping!! :)


Ilisa Ailts said...

This is so exciting! Thank you also for the comment on my blog. I am glad you introduced yourself. I am sorry to hear about your own GI struggles :( It is awful!

Jenn said...

thanks Ilisa! i hope your GI issues resolve soon...they are pretty terrible :( but life is still good, GI issues or not. :)

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